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Investigating the relationship between job satisfaction and dyadic adjustment in flight attendants

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Mojgan zamanifar, Hossain Escandary and Abdullah Shafiabady

This study is conducted with the aim to investigate the relationship between job satisfaction and dyadic adjustment.180 flight married attendants (111 males, 69 females), employed in Mahan Air, Iran Aseman Airlines and Iran Air, are selected through stratified and then simple random sampling. Brayfield and Rothe's job satisfaction scale and Spannier's Dyadic Adjustment Scale (DAS) are utilized to measure the research variables. Collected data is analyzed by descriptive (frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation) and inferential statistical methods (Pearson correlation coefficient, t, correlation difference test between two means). Statistical analysis on data of this research indicates that there is a significant positive correlation between job satisfaction and dyadic adjustment. No significant difference is found in the correlation between job satisfaction and dyadic adjustment in females and males (P<0.05). There is no significant correlation between monthly income and dyadic adjustment, but there is a significant positive correlation between monthly income and job satisfaction. Job satisfaction can predict the dyadic adjustment and this finding indicates the necessity for paying attention to the role of job satisfaction in achieving the dyadic adjustment and preventing the conflict.

The impact of knowledge management factors on improving the performance of success of Sports customer relationship management

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Fatemeh Abdavi*, Sajjad Pashaie and Yahgob Badri azarin

In today's competitive world, customer knowledge is an important subject for the implementation of customer relationship management. The aim of this study is to investigate the impact of knowledge management factors on improving the performance of success of Sports customer relationship. The method of this research, in terms of target, is developmental and in terms of nature, is exploratory that the required information is gathered through interview, observation, review of literature and questionnaire. For this purpose, from among 76 three, four and five star hotels in six metropolitan cities, 67 hotels which have active sports service sectors were selected randomly according to Morgan’s table as the statistical sample. In order to collect information, the Garrido and Mendoza (2011) and the most important criteria for the success of customer relationship management (2000) standard questionnaires were used. In order to examine the theories, structural equation model was used. The results showed a positive and significant direct relationship between the components of knowledge management (acquiring KM / KM influence / CRM technology / customer orientation) and customer relationship management in the success of the hotels in the sports service sector. According to the research findings, staff in the sports service hotels, as the main source of energy, plays a significant role in the success of knowledge management and customer satisfaction.